
This report provides statistics on COVID-19 preprints processed via the Europe PMC plus manuscript submission system. This report will be updated on a regular basis.


The charts below show the numbers of COVID-19 preprints processed on a monthly, cumulative, and per repository basis. ‘Submissions’ refers to COVID-19 preprints that have been uploaded to the manuscript submission system; ‘indexed’ represents preprints that have been tagged (converted to full-text XML) and the full text is indexed in Europe PMC; ‘displayed’ reflects preprints where the corresponding author has given approval to display the full text on the Europe PMC website. The final chart shows the preprints displayed vs. indexed-only by repository.

N.B. Versions of the same preprint are counted separately.



By repository

Displayed vs. Indexed


The chart below shows the license profile, by repository, of the 32,224 COVID-19 full-text preprints tagged and indexed in Europe PMC to date. As different versions of a preprint can have different licenses, the percentages are based on individual versions.

Preprint approval

As of 05 May 2021, a total of 32,224 COVID-19 preprints have been tagged and indexed in Europe PMC. Of these, 31,752 have been sent for author approval, of which 22,789 have been approved (71.8%). This comprises 6,518 preprints approved by authors and 16,271 CC-licensed preprints that have been automatically approved after a two week period.

The plots below show the breakdown of percentage of author- and auto-approved preprints by repository, as well as by Creative Commons license type. A table with the full breakdown is also included for reference.

Approval by repository

Approval by license (author- and auto-approved)

Approval by license (author-approved only)

Approval table

Times to approval

The following two histograms display:

  1. The current number of preprints and how long (in days) they have been awaiting author approval to display in Europe PMC
  2. The distribution of approval times (in days) of preprints that have been approved for display

Awaiting author approval

Approved for display

Page views on Europe PMC

The HTML and PDF page view counts for COVID-19 full-text preprints on the Europe PMC website broken down by repository are shown below.

HTML Views

PDF Views