
This report takes a list of DOIs of EMBL-authored publications and extracts the countries from author affiliations on the publications in order to look at EMBL-author collaboration. Additional information regarding article impact and open access status is also included.

Import data

DOIs should be provided as a single .CSV file with one column containing a heading. DOIs that aren’t available in Europe PMC are automatically removed.

To extract the countries from the affiliations, a list of countries along with their associated continents and country codes is used. US state names are also included, as US-authors routinely do not add ‘USA’ or ‘United States’ etc. in the affiliation.

To determine which affiliations belong to EMBL authors (and therefore not a collaborating country), a list of EMBL name variations is imported. The two names used are: “EMBL” and “European Molecular Biology Laboratory”.

Retrive affiliations

By querying the Europe PMC Articles API, we can retrieve all affiliations for these articles. Of the 258 supplied, 191 (74%) are available in Europe PMC.

We can then extract the country names from the affiliations, and also check whether or not the affiliation corresponds to an EMBL affiliation.

The results are exported to a .CSV file (embl_countries.csv).


From the results, we can count how many articles contain one or more affiliations from a particular country (that isn’t an EMBL affiliation). If there are multiple affiliations from a country, these are counted as a single collaboration with that country.

As plotted on an interactive world map:

By country


From the DOIs we can look at the Altmetric scores for the EMBL-authored papers. The table below shows for each article the overall score, along with the percentile this score lies in comparing to articles published 6 weeks before or after. Also shown are the total number of Tweets.

The graph below shows the distribution of article percentiles. Of the 245 articles with Altmetric scores, 169 (69%) are ranked in the top quarter.

The following DOIs could not be found via the Altmetric API:

Open access

Based on the information in the Unpaywall database, we can determine the open access status of EMBL articles.

Of the 258 articles found in Unpaywall, 236 (91%) are open access.


Using the Europe PMC API we can see the most common funders associated with EMBL articles. If an article received multiple grants from a particular funder, this is only counted once.

Of the 191 DOIs in Europe PMC, 186 have associated funding. The table below shows the most common funders of EMBL-authored articles.