
As an example of a use case of the Articles API citations module, letโ€™s look at the distribution of citations over time.

Load required libraries

library(tidyverse)  # for general data wrangling
library(RJDBC)  # for CDB access
library(plotly)  # for interactive plots
library(scales)  # for x-axis configuration
library(rmarkdown)  # for paged_table

Gather the data

Query for citation counts

Query the CDB for all PubMed articles between 1990 and 2018 and get the corresponding citation counts.

input <- dbGetQuery(cdb,
  SELECT c.external_id AS "pmid", 
    CARDINALITY(w.cited_by_array) AS "citedCount",
    EXTRACT(YEAR FROM c.first_publish_date) AS "pubYear"
  FROM citations c
  JOIN cn_complete_wordarray w
  ON = w.citation_id
  WHERE c.source = \'MED\'
    AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM c.first_publish_date) BETWEEN \'1990\' AND \'2018\'

## [1] TRUE

Process the data


Bin the citation counts into suitable bins and calculate proportions:

bins <- input %>% 
  group_by(pubYear) %>% 
    `0` = sum(citedCount == 0),
    `1-10` = sum(between(citedCount, 1, 10)),
    `11-20` = sum(between(citedCount, 11, 20)),
    `21-30` = sum(between(citedCount, 21, 30)),
    `31-40` = sum(between(citedCount, 31, 40)),
    `41-50` = sum(between(citedCount, 41, 50)),
    `>50` = sum(citedCount > 50)
  ) %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = -pubYear,
               names_to = "bin",
               values_to = "count") %>% 
  group_by(pubYear) %>% 
  mutate(prop = count / sum(count))


Plot the data

Plot as a stacked area plot: